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Buffalo Area Aggravated Unlicensed Operation Lawyer

   “Aggravated Unlicensed Operation”. What is this?

New York laws impose  severe penalties for offenses that fall into the category of “aggravated unlicensed operation”, or AUO. According to Section 511 of the VTC, aggravated unlicensed operation violations may be classified as either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd degree, with 3rd being the least serious and 1st being the most serious offense.
Penalties for AUO violations consist of escalating fine amounts and jail terms, with 3rd degree having the least amount in fines and 1st degree having the most amounts. The different degrees involve a variety of factors:

3rd Degree AUO: Knowingly operating a vehicle with a suspended or revoked license. 

2nd Degree: Deals with a wide range of offenses, including previous license suspensions, repeat violations, alcohol infractions, and failure to appear in court or pay a fine.

1st Degree: This is actually a Class E felony and deals with previous 2nd degree violations as well as operating a vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. 

Depending on the severity of the offense, penalties for AUO violations may include fines ranging anywhere from $500 to $5000, jail sentences not to exceed 180 days, and/or mandatory probation.

The Most Common Charge Is Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the Third Degree (AUO 3rd)

Aggravated Unlicensed Operation in the Third Degree is an unclassified misdemeanor in New York Punishable by up to 30 days in jail.

 Also referred to as driving on a suspended license, this situation generally arises when one’s licensed has been suspended and/or revoked and he or she is found to be driving.  Often the person is not aware of the reason for the underlying suspension.  There are legal defenses and J. John Sebastian is often able to have this charge dismissed or reduced to a non-criminal infraction.

What Can Be done With These Types of Cases?

Most times, misdemeanor aggravated unlicensed operation charges can be reduced and pled down to simple non-criminal infractions with no jail or probation and a small fine.   In tougher cases, for clients with multiple priors or an accident, the charges can still be pled down to an offense that does not require jail.
If Charged with AUO Contact J. John Sebastian  today 716-209-3141

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