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Buffalo Area Criminal Mischief Lawyer

Vandalism and destruction of property

If you were allegedly vandalizing property or the property of another person can be charged with criminal mischief in New York State. Common forms of criminal mischief include any modifications, destruction, damage or impairment of property or possessions.

Graffiti is a visible form of criminal mischief, which could result in a charge. If you or your loved one charged with criminal mischief, former assistant DA J John Sebastian will  fight for  the rights of the alleged offender upheld throughout the criminal proceedings.

There are numerous cases where citizens are involved in these types of crimes destruction / damage. J John Sebastian  handles these types of cases in Buffalo and throughout Western New York. J John Sebastian is  aware that a criminal record may be very harmful to your future and will employ every legal strategy available to fight these charges.

Criminal mischief can be divided into four categories, including:

Fourth degree: can be charged if you intentionally damage the property of another person.
The third degree, may be charged if you intentionally causing more than $ 250 damage to the property of another person.

Second degree: can be charged if you intentionally cause more than $1500 dollars worth of damage to property of others.

First degree: can be charged if you intentionally cause damage to property of another person by means of explosives.

Fighting your criminal mischief charges

Don't let a criminal mischief charge taint your record.  There are many alternative dispositions to these type of cases where jail and a criminal record can be avoided. Only an experienced trained criminal defense lawyer like J. John Sebastian can properly evaluate your case to achieve such favorable outcomes.
If you or a loved one is facing criminal mischief charges, you can get the  compassionate, experienced and aggressive legal defense that you need from J John Sebastian.

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